UU Ministry for Earth’s constituent, Laura Emerson, offers this informative and moving blog post on how UUs can engage with nature closest to us. The climate crisis is a crisis of disconnection. Humans are disconnected from the natural world and have forgotten that we are nature. Restoring a reciprocal relationship with all life addresses a range of human-caused problems that have led to climate disruption. It also benefits us and restores us for the work of justice. This is UUMFE’s role in the climate justice movement. We help people reconnect with Earth and the natural world so they can deepen their commitment to Earth care, metabolize eco-anxiety and grief, and work for justice for all life including people most impacted by climate disruption. Laura’s post offers some tangible ways to do so. During this 2024 Earth Month, we hope you’ll try Laura’s suggestions. 

By Laura Emerson

Nature’s grand vistas of mountain ranges and oceans are certainly awe inspiring, but so, too, are the riches that lie beneath our feet and within arm’s reach.   Let’s pay attention to the patch of nature closest to us. 

One of my favorite classes ever was Ethnobotany.  This is the study of human uses of plant materials (for food, clothing, shelter, medicine etc) through history.   In my first class (on-line, through Univ Alaska-Fairbanks), our teacher told us to go outside and harvest materials with which to make three projects over the semester.  I thought, “It is January — in Alaska!  What can I find with five feet of snow on the ground?”  I dragged a plastic sled into the woods and within 45 minutes had gathered chaga, lichen, birch bark, alder branches, and spruce resin.  Over the course of the term, we students died fabric, made baskets and jewelry, whittled tools, and made medicines, foods, and lotions as we researched ethnobotanical databases to learn what First Peoples had done with these and related materials.    

Gathering wild plant material is called foraging.  My initial introduction was through a leisure learning teacher who led a 3 hour excursion in an urban greenbelt in Houston, TX.   Every few feet, he bent down, and plucked a leaf or a stem, or dug up a root, and offered us a glimpse of all the edible and medicinal plants on which we ignorantly trampled.  Then he gave each of us a cheat sheet with 26 useful plants he has found along this route, and encouraged us to explore.  

My eyes were opened!  

I never looked at a patch of weeds the same way again.  In fact, every summer in Alaska, I harvest  a spring salad of dandelion leaves, fireweed shoots, and fiddlehead ferns, dandelion buds for capers, chickweed for spit poultices to salve a wasp sting, yarrow or plantain to stop a bleeding cut.   I dry berry leaves for tea, make pesto with lamb’s quarter, tap birch trees for sap, and collect gallons of many types of berries for tasty treats ranging from wine to chutney.

UUMFE groups can encourage such joyful and healthful discovery of Mother Nature’s Pantry outside their congregations’ doors.   What a wonderful way to celebrate Earth Day, any day!


  • Set a goal to learn to identify 20 wild (or domesticated) plants in your vicinity.
  • Enlist friends and members who are botanists, biologists, and gardeners to lead short foraging/discovery trips in the vicinity of the congregation.  Even if you are disinclined to eat weeds that grow near roadways, the leader can help you identify plants and describe their value so that you can recognize them later, in a more pristine environment.   Make sure the leaders point out any poisonous plants, too.
  • Ask knowledgeable members to identify the plants on the church property and describe their value (or danger) to humans, birds, animals or insects.
  • Enlist craftsy members and friends to host classes on ethnobotanical skills such as dyeing fabric from leaves, flowers, and branches, whittling simple spreading knives and two pronged forks from branches, making jewelry from natural products.
  • Enlist artists to teach classes drawing the plants and perhaps the birds or insects that favor them.
  • Ask members whose properties host healthy, unpolluted plants to share plant material for projects or to share dishes made with tasty weeds.  
  • If you are a gardener who has focused on just the flower or fruit of a plant, research the value of the leaves and branches, too.  Some are poisonous, but others are medicinal or edible.
  • Find someone who knows how to gather wild plant materials appropriately.  Ask to tag along. 
  • Organize a camping or picnic trip that includes foraging or at least plant identification.
  • Buy books for your home and congregation that identify the plants in your eco-system.  
  • Create labels for plants on the church property.
  • Create a document that identifies the medicinal and nutritional benefits of these plants.  For example the ubiquitous dandelion is a great source of vitamins A, B complex, C, and D, as well as potassium.  Dried raspberry leaves make a tasty tea, and have a long history of soothing menstrual cramping.
  • Reassess your yard and that of the congregation.  Dandelions warn you of a calcium deficiency.  Plantain signals compacted soil. Appreciate clover.  It adds nitrogen to your soil. Our honeybees favor white clover and the wild bumblebees prefer red clover.  Conifers and berry bushes indicate acidic soil.   

Big goals to “save the planet” and “protect the environment” are noble.  Let’s complement those global efforts by intentionally, intimately learning about the wonders that lie within some refulgent patch of earth close to each of us.