Dear UU Ministry for Earth,

This month, Reverend Kelly Dignan’s tenure as Executive Director of UUMFE will come to an end. As I reflect on all that we’ve shared, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for her leadership. Kelly’s professionalism, commitment to spiritual grounding, growth-oriented mindset, and persistent dedication to supporting and growing our organization has been nothing but an asset to UUMFE.

Over the years, UUMFE has been blessed by a host of invaluable and irreplaceable leaders. Each one has stewarded our organization through the particular challenges of their time. Kelly was tasked with the challenge of shepherding our organization during a period of great transition, both for UUMFE and our world. For this, and for every bright and shining star in UUMFE’s legacy of leaders, I give thanks.

I’ve truly enjoyed the gifts of Kelly’s unique ministry. From creative worship resources (check them out here) to full moon gatherings, from guided meditations to grief rituals, from trauma education to embodied spiritual practices, from coalition building to growing our collective emotional intelligence, from systems analysis to impeccable board engagement, from overseeing routine operations to maintaining authentic relationships with so many who make up the larger body of UUMFE – just wow. There is really no other word. Wow, Kelly. Wow. Okay, maybe there are two more words to add: Thank you.

We will all miss Kelly’s presence at UUMFE, but we part by offering her all of our best wishes for her future journey. There is grief in saying goodbye, but there is also pleasure in savoring the satisfaction of what has been shared. Kelly, please keep in touch, and know that we send you off with prayerful blessings for your future endeavors. When you reflect on your time spent with UUMFE, may your heart be made glad with grateful memories.

In love and commUUnity,

Lauren Levwood, Board Chair, UUMFE