The forces of injustice that are compromising our biosphere and current and future generations will only be defeated if we join together and form strong partnerships and coalitions. UUMFE constantly strives to expand our impact through partnership and follow the leadership of front-lines communities.
Unitarian Universalist Association
The UUA is the central organization for Unitarian Universalism and the national office for the religion in the United States. UUMFE regularly partners with the UUA on programs and campaigns; most notably, the Green Sanctuary Program and the Environmental Justice Practitioners’ Network.
UU College of Social Justice
UUCSJ offers immersion learning and volunteer opportunities that build skills for faith-grounded social justice work and provide direct service to front-lines communities. UUMFE partners with UUCSJ to offer GROW Climate Justice Trainings for young adults.
Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice
UUSJ represents Unitarian Universalism on Capitol Hill and mobilizes Unitarian Universalists in the National Capital Region for legislative advocacy. UUMFE regularly partners with UUSJ on legislative campaigns and other events.
Beacon Press
UUMFE is an affiliate of Beacon Press. When you shop for Beacon Press books, enter the discount code “UUMFE” on the checkout screen to receive a 20% discount plus free shipping. In addition, 4% of the order will be contributed to UUMFE. Check out UUMFE’s top recommended books from Beacon Press.