Habits of Connection and Compassion

Many Unitarian Universalist congregations have a practice of sharing their Sunday offering with community organizations, causes and groups. The logistics vary, but the core practice is to give part of the community offering to a cause beyond the immediate congregation that reflects our values and aspirations. This practice of sharing resources is a healthy community habit, a practice that reminds us we can practically embody the interdependence we affirm in our values.

Would you consider sharing the plate for Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth (UUMFE)? We know you have many worthy causes to support, and we are humbled by your consideration.

Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth is a seedbed for spiritual grounding and education that inspires deep practices of Earth care, justice and flourishing for all. We are a continental ministry, offering worship and small group ministry resources anchored in Earth care and climate justice, curriculum, chaplaincy for activists and advocates, and gatherings.

Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth could not do the work that it does today without the support of congregations, many of which take up special collections for UUMFE on or around World Water Day, Earth Day and Biodiversity Sunday, or other appropriate dates.

How does share the plate work?

Authorizing special collections is a little different in each congregation. Some congregations give away their entire offering one Sunday each month, others “split the plate” every Sunday or month, some distribute gifts once a quarter.  However, here are some general tips and resources to help you!

  • Make an appeal to your congregation board and/or special collection decision makers (sometimes the minister or social justice committee) requesting that your congregation support the work of UUMFE. Share the following resources with them:
  • Publicize the work of UUMFE and the date of the “Share the Plate” through your newsletter, social media, bulletin boards, and the pulpit;
  • On the day of the service, show congregants the work UUMFE is doing;
    • Tell a story about your connection to UUMFE, and what inspired you to connect with us
    • Explore connections between your congregation’s interests and our ministries
    • Share the difference a gift can make to sustain young adult programming, chaplaincy for advocates and activists and ongoing spiritual care for climate activists
    • Use the video above during the service
  • You can easily make your congregation’s donation online – here on our website!
  • Paper check donations can be sent to: UUMFE, 4101 E Hampden Ave, Denver, CO 80222.
  • EIN #02-0530982
  • Phone: (503) 595-9392

I’ll ask! 

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